Identifying With the Israelites
The Israelites were an interesting group of people. They witnessed some of God's greatest miracles and yet turned away from Him time and time again. I've often wondered what it would have been like to live untouched during the plagues in Egypt, walk the dry ground under the parted Red Sea, and be fed by God's mysterious manna every day. How awesome! Of course, there was another side to the Israelites. The were prone to wander away from God and turn to idols of their own choosing, even after all the wonderful things He had done for them. They seemed to cycle through a pattern of following God and submitting to His authority and then turning just as easily, seeming to forget all that God had done for them until something, usually painful, happened that turned them back to God. I've often wondered how they could have been SO blind, having God right there with them doing these amazing things and then purposely turning to worship golden calves. But, if I'm honest with ...