Merry Christmas 2011
Well, I know it has been a couple of years since I sent out a Christmas letter but honestly, I was just content with my simple life of working at Trinity and had nothing particularly newsworthy to share. This year, however, there have been some new developments that I want to put out there! I am still teaching 2nd grade at Trinity Lutheran School. This year I have eight students, my biggest class yet! I have three boys and five girls but when you add myself, Happy the parakeet and my dog Maggie who comes to school with me each day, the girls outnumber the boys eight to three so they don't even stand a chance! I continue to love each day at school, rarely thinking of it as 'going to work' but instead, getting to spend the day with my wonderful students and coworkers. I love the chance to share Christ with them, bringing Him into our conversations at any time and hearing my students share the prayer requests on their little hearts is such a blessing and encouragement to me ...