The Blame Game
As humans, we are well practiced at playing the blame game. Pointing to someone else for our faults or mistakes is a concept grasped as early as our toddler years. It takes humility and a great swallowing of pride to own up to doing something wrong and it's hard. But what about blaming ourselves for something that necessarily isn't our fault? I admit I do that...A LOT. When things happen that are beyond my understanding, I often find myself wondering what I did to cause them because blaming myself is so much easier than trying to accept what is beyond my understanding. For example, there are still times (foolishly, I know) where I blame myself for my mom leaving. Maybe I was a difficult child and hard to discipline. Maybe I was one of those frustrating children that make moms want to pull their hair out. Logically I know these are irrational thoughts but at times, it's easier to believe those things rather than try to understand the real reason she left, which I may neve...