Fingerprints of God
I would be lying if I said my relationship with God hasn't suffered some in recent months. I've gone through a time of questioning Him, doubting Him, second guessing Him, and just flat out feeling as though He had let me down. Back in April, when I found out I was not returning to Trinity, I decided I was going to step out of my box when it came to prayer. I've never prayed specifically for things before, very specific things. I always believed that God had blessed me beyond all I deserved and I didn't have the right to ask Him for specific things I wanted and not necessarily needed. This time, though, I was going to try praying for 3 very specific things when it came to my next job: 1) working with kids 2) being able to take Maggie with me 3) health insurance Were they a bit of a stretch? Yes, I believed so, especially #2, but I believed God would answer my prayers. I even remember talking with a friend this summer about those requests and she said something abo...