Calli Picasso

During my first year at Trinity, a parent approached me on the playground and asked if I was interested in a kitten she had bought for her daughter. She told me the kitten had peed on the floor so the dad wanted to make it an outdoor cat but she thought she would ask me first. I said yes and the next afternoon she brought the kitten with her at the end of the school day. She was a cute little thing but I will be honest in saying my very first thought was, "Oh my, I hope she grows into those ears!" I had already decided to name her Calli since she was a calico and I already had a C-named cat at home - Christopher. When the mom told me her daughter had named her Picasso, I started calling her by the two names or, for short, Calli P. Calli was a handful right from the start! I had never seen a kitten with more spunk in my life, she was a riot! She and Christopher became friends and and we were a happy little family of 3. It didn't take long to notice that Calli had some bl...