On the Receiving End
Let's face it: sin stinks. Big time. Ever since the garden of Eden, man has been filled with sin to the point where it should be the death of us all. Thankfully, we have a Savior that died for those sins and has given us the precious gift of living eternally with Him in spite of those sins. Hallelujah! Regardless, sin happens. I've sinned against others, causing pain and distrust in the lives of those around me. I have been on the receiving end of sins, hurtful actions and words from others that totally devastated my heart. Those sins were intentional, committed by the person even though they knew what they were doing was wrong. While I have forgiven those sins, there are repercussions that reach far beyond just my relationship, or lack thereof, with them. I posted about this awhile back, http://readangiesthoughts.blogspot.com/2010/06/forgiveness-and-consequences.html , concerning some things that happened during my childhood at the hands of my grandfather. Even though forgiv...