
Showing posts from March, 2013

Breaking Generational Sin

My Sunday School class is studying the book of Genesis and we are at the point where some years have passed since the flood and Noah and his family have settled and begun to put down roots. They planted a vineyard and one day, Noah drank too much wine and passed out in his tent. One brother, Ham, tried to make light of the situation and get his brothers to have a little fun at their dad's expense but the two other brothers, Shem and Japheth, were having none of that. They handled the situation with respect and love for their dad. Needless to say, when Noah woke up and learned what Ham had done, he was furious and basically laid out a curse that Ham and his people would be slaves to the people of his brothers. (Genesis 9:20-27) One of the follow-up questions in our study book was what generational sins have we seen in our own families. Almost everyone in my class are the parents of grown children and they were able to comment on the perspective of their own sins they have see...