
Showing posts from July, 2013

Somebody Love Me

This song is an old one but I was reminded of it during a recent conversation with a friend over dinner a few weeks ago. She is in a very similar place in her life to mine - early 30s, single, wondering when God will reveal His (longer term) plan for her life. A big difference between the two of us is her desire to be married. She's wanted that for years and as she has remained single, she's wondering if God's plan doesn't align with hers concerning this part of her life. We were talking about a mutual acquaintance who recently turned down a proposal from the man she had been dating. In discussing it, at almost the same time, we both said how nice it would be to have a guy want to marry us. Our inner longings were so simply put out there - we both want to be desired. I still stand by my statement that I don't believe it's God's will for me to marry. I won't go as far as saying it will never happen because if God were to bring along the right guy a...