Is It Over Yet?
The title for this post came from a song by Wynonna Judd about a husband moving out after a divorce but it's a phrase that has run through my mind over and over in recent days. Is it over yet? Is this sin-filled, painful, unfair, complicated, horrifying world over yet? Lately I have been overwhelmed with sadness at all that is going on in the world - both overseas, locally, and personally... ~ wars in countries I can't even name over issues I can't explain ~ a wonderful woman of God whose only means of living right now is to try an experimental treatment of chemo ~ innocent people being beheaded in other countries just to settle as score or send a warning ~ children being damaged and mistreated by the words and/or actions of the very people who are supposed to love them and make them feel safe ~ diseases in far away countries that kill thousands without prejudice ~ wives and children suffering because their husband/father won't step up and be the man of God he ...