Taking A Chance

Exactly a year ago this weekend, I was down in Arizona visiting my brother and his family, celebrating my niece's 7th birthday. I had left Maggie with Ryan and his family while I was gone, knowing she was in good hands and very comfortable there. I called Kristen one evening to check in and she broke down sobbing as she told me Maggie had somehow gotten out of the yard while they were gone that afternoon and she was no where to be found. Even as she was telling me this, I had a peace in my heart that Maggie would be found and all would be well. Ryan's family lives out of town with houses spread out and there were tons of places Maggie could have wandered to. Eventually she was found at a house down the road, laying on their deck just waiting for someone to come rescue her. She got lots of lovin' from Ryan's family that evening and I imagine she had a story of her own to tell! I never imagined that as I sit here a year later, she has been gone from my life for a mo...