
Showing posts from November, 2015

My 100 Things - 2015

Annual 100 list of things I'm thankful for this year....GO! 1) My Jesus...He loves me, forgives me, and died for me. 2) My dad 3) My brothers Bryan and Mark 4) My (soon to be) sister-in-law Kris 5) My niece Lilly 6) Ryan Joe McClelland...still has my heart at 4 years old 7) My job at Ashgrove 8) My kids at church 9) My Grandma Judy...blessed beyond words by her 10) Ella 11) Lola 12) Frankie 13) Bruce Jenner (the cat) 14) My Jeep Lucy 15) My Florida family - Nate, Cassey, Noah, and Sydni 16) My students at Ashgrove 17) Pumpkin spiced chai 18) Heat 19) My co-workers at Ashgrove 20) The first snow storm of the season 21) The last snow storm of the season 22) Turkey 23) Depot salsa 24) Naps 25) Cracking myself up 26) Life cereal 27) My church family 28) My friend her to pieces 29) Beckie's St. Bernard Blue 30) Flip-flops 31) Perrett's veggie sub 31) The fact that my dad loves musicals 32) My cell phone 33) Toilet paper 34) The B...