
Showing posts from November, 2017

100 Things I'm Thankful For - 2017

1. My relationship with Jesus Christ - so many days I want to just give up and give in but the hope and promise of eternity with Him sustains me 2. My dad - always willing to go the extra mile for me and my brothers 3. Mark - great to be in touch with him again 4. My niece Lilly - I love that Jelly Bean with my whole heart 5. Bryan and Kris -  for creating Lilly and loving her well 6. My pup Ella Irene - so many laughs and cuddles with that girl 7. Lola and Bruce Jenner - two cats on completely opposite ends of the spectrum but each brings joy to my life and my home 8. My grandma Judy - thankful for all the love and laughter she brings with her advice and her stories 9. Sheryl - so glad God is in the business of restoring friendships 10. Carol - I will forever treasure her wisdom and loving support in all areas of my life 11. Beckie - breakfasts with her at the Trailhead are my favorite 12. Eowyn - this baby girl brings so much love and fun into my world. Spend...

My Normal is Different

"Your story could be the key that unlocks someone else's prison. Don't be afraid to share it." ~ Tobymac      This quote speaks to the very core of my soul and it is the true cry of my heart. Why else must we endure such incredibly painful hardships this side of heaven? If we don't share our experiences with others, we are not only hurting those who could be helped or encouraged by them, but we are also failing to heed God's command to bear one another's burdens. You may never know someone is struggling with something unless you tell your story first and in doing so, your act of courage frees them from the chains that have been holding them captive. This quote is exactly why I keep writing my blog and sharing my story. If it helps just one person, it will have all been worth it. In the last month or so, I have found my own experiences with abuse in the forefront of my mind. Usually when this happens, I find that God is bringing up a particular ...