
Showing posts from November, 2018

Blessed Beyond Measure

Every year on Thanksgiving, I publish a blog of 100 things I am thankful for. It is a tradition started by a friend of mine that I have enjoyed writing many years, but this year I am going to deviate from the norm. Something happened last week that blessed me so incredibly that I can't help but share it! Last Wednesday I unexpectedly had to put my pup Ella down. The family I work recently got chickens and Ella killed every last one of them. This was not Ella's first chicken offense, she has killed a handful at various pet sitting jobs and/or a friend's houses. What made this instance different was the effort she put in to getting in the chicken coop. She had climb up a pallet, scale a chain-link fence and then crawl across a wire covered top, looking for a little hole she could worm her way through. While I was impressed at her problem solving skills, I knew there would be no stopping her from getting chickens when she really wanted them. As much as I loved ...