Christmas Thoughts
It seems that each year, the Christmas story takes on more and more meaning in my life and a piece that I never took much time to consider really astounds and amazes me. This year there are two things. The first is the obedience of those individuals God orchestrated His story through. Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, the Wise Men, the shepherds, and Simeon. What if just one of those people had decided not to obey the message the angel brought them or they had in a dream? What if Mary had told God she didn't want to give birth to the Messiah and raise him for God's kingdom? What if Joseph had ignored the dream he had and decided to ditch Mary, believing she had cheated on him, and went to find another more suitable wife? The Wise Men could have easily ignored the message of their dream and went to tell Herod exactly where to find the new King, hoping for some kind of reward or riches for their information. If just one person had been disobedient or had not followed through on...