But If From There
"But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul." ~ Deuteronomy 4:29 Dear L and R, I think about each of you often, I wish you knew that. There are times my heart literally aches as I think about our talks - the laughter, the tears, the wisdom shared, the frustrations vented, those issues we never imagined we could give voice to. God brought each of you into my life at the times I needed you most. L - My eyes tear up as I think about God crossing our paths. I needed your friendship, love and support more than I would ever know when we met that day in the online support group for survivors of sexual abuse. I had just started to walk that journey of dealing with, and healing from, all those issues that had existed since I was a very little girl. I was scared, confused, angry and so incredibly desperate for peace from all that seemed to consume me. I think we met before I even came to know the Lo...