My 100 List
Several years ago, a friend posted a blog of 100 things she was thankful for around Thanksgiving. I thought it was a great idea and followed suit. In the years that followed, it was fun to read her list and her comments on mine. While that friend has since walked away from our friendship, I will continue on with our tradition of 100 things I am thankful for and pray that it won't be too long before I am reading her list again too. So, here it goes... 1) My relationship with, and faith in, Jesus Christ - His gift of forgiveness and salvation 20 years ago saved my life and has made ever year since then worth living. 2) My church family - the authentic love I have received from the people at Cornerstone Community Church has brought so much joy to my world. 3) My dad - always there when I need help with this whole 'grownup' gig 4) Mark - watching my little brother become a dad this past year has been amazing. He jumped in head first and has been 100% committed ever since. ...