
Showing posts from November, 2020

Answers to Hard Prayers

Well, it's finished! My manuscript, that is. Five months after God put the idea on my heart, thousands of words written and deleted later, it's done and submitted to the publisher. I didn't know if this day would ever come. It would seem that just as I thought I was finished, more thoughts would come to mind or someone would suggest another edit. More than that, however, was a huge crisis of faith I experienced in recent weeks. I had gotten my last copy back from a friend who edited it for me and all I had to do was make a few more changes and it would be done. But that copy sat on my counter for weeks and every time I sat down with my computer, I couldn't make myself open the document and start pressing keys. I was stuck and I wasn't sure why. Then out of the blue, it came to me - I was doubtful.  See, now that I've submitted it to the publishing company, they will let me know in about a week if they want to partner with me to publish and then it's up to me...

100 Things For 2020

In this crazy unprecedented year full of firsts and all kinds of twist and turns, here is my list of 100 thing I am thankful for!! 1) My Jesus - the journey He has taken me on this year has been one I never would have chosen for myself, but His faithfulness and unending love has carried me through 2) Dusty Grace - my sweet pup, laying beside me as I type 3) Bruce Jenner - asleep on the couch to my left as I type 4) Lola - sleeping on the heating vent at my feet as I type 5) My dad - always willing to help me out and loves my llamas so well 6) Eowyn - my oldest llama who has an imagination like no other, always keeps me laughing, and is going to change this world in ways I can't wait to watch 7) Lizzy - the middle llama, full of drama! This girl has my heart in her chubby little fist and always keeps me on my toes. Her take on this crazy world always makes me smile 8) Nora - Little Norie Noodle, who smiles like crazy and is so over the moon with her big sisters. I can't wait to ...

Two Sizes Too Big

 In recent days, I have learned some hard truths about someone I considered a friend, and a good friend at that. From the time I met her, I knew this friend held things close to her heart and didn't let many people in, but I believed myself to be one of the few she truly let her guard down with. This friend was, as she always put it, Jesus with skin on in my life and even though we had only known each other a few years, I let her into some hard places in my own life and showed her some parts of me that I don't easily share with others. So to be completely blindsided by her recent choices has been incredibly confusing, leaving my heart hurting something fierce, and it has been just as painful has been to see the pain her choices have inflicted on others. As I've talked with friends she and I have in common, they all say they noticed a change in her behavior and personality the past few months and knew something was up. I had no clue. Absolutely none. Sure, she seemed a littl...