
Showing posts from January, 2021

Hindsight is 20/20

A lot of people make resolutions at the beginning of a new year or choose a word to focus on and apply to their lives over the next 12 months. I've never been one to do either but I have been thinking back over the crazy unprecedented year that was 2020.  It was a hard year for so many. Covid hit just a couple months in and reeked havoc on all of us. While I wasn't affected as much as others, I did have petsitting jobs cancelled that affected me financially and lost one of my childcare jobs suddenly, although that was more of an emotional hit than anything else. I've never liked goodbyes or endings, and unexpected ones are especially hard. Family members faced unexpected and serious health issues, friends lost jobs that they never got back, and a friend of mine literally disappeared from my life overnight. Yes, 2020 was a doozy for sure! Mixed in with all the hard, however, was so much joy and good news. My littlest llama was born this summer and joined her big sisters in m...