I Am Beautiful
Vulnerability. Does anyone actually enjoy being vulnerable? I most certainly do not. Not even a little. My past is full of instances I let my guard down and was vulnerable with someone only to have that vulnerability taken advantage of or thrown back in my face. I'm sure most, if not everyone, can relate. There is something so devastating about letting someone into the most intimate, painful, and scary parts of our hearts only to have it used against us or ignored. I am learning, however, that true healing and freedom from those hard places of our lives can only be found in being vulnerable and putting yourself out there. That's why I write this blog. It's scary as heck to put myself out there but I cling to the hope that if just one person can relate or has ever been in the same boat, then the exposure is worth it. In the Bible study I am doing at my church, the past couple of weeks have been about hurts, experiences, and longings familiar to a woman's heart. Marria...