100 in 2021
Here are 100 things I am thankful for this year in no particular order! 1) My Lord and Savior - this walk of faith has taken me places I never would have imagined - or hoped - but my God is so thankful every step of the way 2) My dad - he loves me well and loves my llamas well too 3) Dusty Grace - you are definitely Nana Dog to my llamas and are so patient with all their antics, especially when they crawl on you or use you as a stepstool 4) Katy Joy - You are turning into a good little pup! You follow the llamas everywhere and are so protective over them 5) Lola - a couple of times I have thought you were getting close to the end of your time with me but then I see you running and frolicking in a nearby field and my heart smiles 6) Bruce Jenner - you are so patient with Katy but definitely put her in her place when she gets too rough 7) This house I get to live in - I have loved having lots more room and the llamas have settled in well 8) My church family - I am welcomed with hugs...