
Showing posts from February, 2010

Jesus Will Meet You There

(Not sure who made the video but at least you can hear the song!)  I love this song. Written by Steven Curtis Chapman after his youngest daughter Maria was killed in an accident at their home in May 2008, it not only speaks to the pain he and his family have endured over the past 21 months but to many life situations that we all face. This song shows us that, 'whatever valley you must walk through, Jesus will meet you there.' Lately it seem as though I've prayed for Jesus to not only meet me where I am struggling, but also where I know friends are facing hurts and struggles of their own. A sister in Christ is facing infidelity in her marriage where she is questioning so much and trying to keep Satan from having his way in all that has happened; a friend is getting ready to welcome her little boy into this world while grieving the loss of her only brother only a couple of weeks before Christmas; 10 Christians are being held in Haiti on charges amidst ...

A Girl's Best Friend

Exactly a year ago, God blessed me with one of the greatest gifts I ever could have asked for - my dog Maggie. A year ago this weekend, I picked her up from the vet who had fostered her for a week-long trial period. I knew by Monday that I was never going to take Maggie back! Over this past year, she has been the perfect dog for me, it's like we were made for each other! She is extremely loyal, very protective, and a lot of fun to watch if she doesn't think you're looking! I noticed last year how much it did my heart good to come home each day after school to find her waiting so excitedly in the yard for me. After having cats for the past few years that only cared when I came home if their food bowl was empty, it was a nice change.  She loves to ride in the car with me, no matter where I go, and sits straight up in the backseat looking out the window. She is so serious when she does it that it cracks me up! Now that it's gotten colder, I take her to schoo...

Books of the Bible

A friend and I recently started a Bible study - Fingerprints of God by Jennifer Rothschild - and on day two, she wrote something so amazing that spoke so much to my heart that I just had to share it. I hope it's as much of a blessing to you as it is to me each time I read it!! In Genesis, He fashions you with His hands. In Exodus, He gives you freedom and deliverance. In Leviticus, He gives you access to Himself. In Numbers, He builds cities of refuge to protect you. In Deuteronomy, He guides you with His protective hand. In Joshua, He honors you with His divine purpose. In Judges, He shows you mercy in spite of repeated failures In Ruth, He values you by bringing you into His family. In 1 and 2 Samuel, He makes the insignificant significant. In 1 and 2 Kings, He honors you by His faithfulness. In The Chronicles, He makes your prayer powerful, granting you success. In Ezra and Nehemiah, He allows you to return to Him and gives you tools to rebuild all that is broken. In Esther, He ...