Books of the Bible

A friend and I recently started a Bible study - Fingerprints of God by Jennifer Rothschild - and on day two, she wrote something so amazing that spoke so much to my heart that I just had to share it. I hope it's as much of a blessing to you as it is to me each time I read it!!

In Genesis, He fashions you with His hands.

In Exodus, He gives you freedom and deliverance.

In Leviticus, He gives you access to Himself.

In Numbers, He builds cities of refuge to protect you.

In Deuteronomy, He guides you with His protective hand.

In Joshua, He honors you with His divine purpose.

In Judges, He shows you mercy in spite of repeated failures

In Ruth, He values you by bringing you into His family.

In 1 and 2 Samuel, He makes the insignificant significant.

In 1 and 2 Kings, He honors you by His faithfulness.

In The Chronicles, He makes your prayer powerful, granting you success.

In Ezra and Nehemiah, He allows you to return to Him and gives you tools to rebuild all that is broken.

In Esther, He gives you purpose and makes you royalty.

In Job, He restores you and shows Himself strong on your behalf.

In Psalms, He calls you close and encourages you to sing in His presence.

In Proverbs, He reveals His wisdom to you.

In Ecclesiastes, He gives meaning to the meaningless.

In Song of Solomon, He draws you to run after Him, the Lover of your soul.

In Isaiah, He reveals the Savior to you.

In Jeremiah and Lamentations, He sees your tears and gives you hope.

In Ezekiel and Daniel, the Sovereign Lord joins you in the midst of the fire.

In Hosea, God pursues you to buy you back.

In Joel, He blesses you when you repent.

In Amos, He bears your burdens.

In Obadiah, He keeps His covenant to you.

In Jonah, He honors you by using imperfect man to fulfill His own perfect plan.

In Micah, He invites you to walk humbly with Him.

In Nahum, He comforts you.

In Habakkuk, He brings you from the lowliness to high places.

In Zephaniah, He sings over you with great joy.

In Haggai, God Himself makes His dwelling with you.

In Zechariah, God reveals His plans for your future and assures you of His coming.

In Malachi, God shows that you can’t out-give Him as He pours out His blessing.

In the gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – God puts on human flesh to seek and save you.

In Acts, He pours out His Spirit on you.

In Romans, He works all things for your good.

In the letters to the Corinthians, He pulls you from error, teaches you the way of love, and points you toward unseen realities.

In Galatians, He sets you free!

In Ephesians, He lavishes you with the riches of grace.

In Philippians, He gives you victory and joy.

In letters to Thessalonian churches, He honors you by giving you a future hope.

In letters to Timothy, He offers you counsel and encouragement.

In Titus, He equips you for good works.

In Philemon, He turns your slavery into brotherhood.

In Hebrews, He invites you to come boldly before His throne.

In James, He teaches you practical religion.

In 1 and 2 Peter, He gives you victory over suffering.

In the three epistles of John, He assures you of eternity and invites you to walk in His light, life, and love.

In Jude, God tenderly keeps you from falling and values you so highly that He Himself presents you faultless before His own throne.

And then in Revelation, He receives you as His beloved and treasured bride.


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