He Loves Us Best - A Tribute
I'm spending the final hours of 2014 with a heavy heart and tears rolling down my cheeks. It's hard to look back at this past year in it's entirety when the past few days have been full of hard and painful stuff. Many deaths have hit our community in recent days, some people I've know and others I haven't, and hearts are weary. A woman I've never met but is part of the Scentsy community lost her precious baby boy days after he was born prematurely. A well-known man from my hometown lost his wife after many years of illness. A friend from Trinity said good-bye to her mom on Christmas Eve and although her mom had lived a long and fruitful life, my friend is still heartbroken. The death that has hit me more than the others, though, is that of my dear friend Linda Howerton. Linda was diagnosed with an incurable form of cancer a year and a half ago and when she came home to live out her final days, I wrote this blog wondering how in the world I would ever say good...