This Year I'm Thankful For...

Each year I sit down and do a list of 100 things I'm thankful for. Here goes...

1) My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who loves me more than I'll ever know

2) My health

3) Ryan Joe McClelland - the boy I get to spend most of my days with

4) My dad - love him!

5) My brother Bryan - this being friends as adults thing isn't so bad...

6) My brother Mark

7) My (might as well be) sister-in-law Kris

8) My niece Lilly

9) My best friend Cassey - God has allowed us to restore a friendship this past year and it's been such a blessing

10) My nephew Noah - love how he calls me Auntie Angie

11) My niece Sydni

12) My best friend Amy - distance hasn't stopped us from being friends and I look forward to seeing where God sends her family in the coming months

13) My nephew Peyton

14) My niece Lola

15) My niece Clara

16) My Maggie - the best dog a girl could ask for

17) My cats Lola and Frankie - they keep life interesting!

18) Ryan's mom Kristen - such an amazing friend and sister in Christ

19) Ryan's dad Trevor - thankful he helped create that boy!

20) My church family

21) Indoor plumbing

22) My wonderful Jeep Lucy

23) Pumpkin spiced chai

24) My friend Linda - she really is my hero...she lives life with such grace and courage

25) Ryan's dogs Tick and Sarge

26) My grandma Judy - love her more than words can say

27) Facebook

28) Flip-flops

29) The first snowstorm of the season

30) The last snowstorm of the season

31) My Sunday School class - they have become like family, including Maggie's Sunday Morning Grannies :-)

32) My pet-sitting clients

33) My new friend Beckie - such an example of God's grace

34) Flannel sheets

35) Christmas trips to Arizona

36) Depot Salsa

37) Scentsy - don't tell Cassey but I'm glad she talked me into joining!! :-)

38) Ryan's laugh

39) My Children's Church kids - they are the reason I love that job

40) Wednesday play dates at Sarah's

41) Shopping trips to Walmart with my dad

42) The Big Bang Theory

43) Heat in the winter and A/C in the summer

44) Sitting on a blanket in the park reading a good book with an iced coffee

45) Cereal

46) Naps

47) Friends at Trinity

48) My Children's Church helper Zoe - an amazing young lady...I am excited to see what God has in store for her!

49) Music

50) Cousins

51) Finding real mail in my mailbox

52) Hope

53) The snooze button

54) Slightly sweetened iced tea

55) A secure future

56) When Ryan tells me "I love you to the most"

57) The Hutson family - love all those girls so much!

58) God's Word

59) Laughing

60) Green traffic lights

61) Mi Amigos

62) Hot showers

63) Making enough money to pay my bills each month

64) Coffee dates with Amy

65) White chocolate peppermint mochas

66) Fruit Loops

67) Playing the mouse game with Ryan

68) Holding babies

69) Lower gas prices

70) Peanut butter/banana smoothies

71) When friends who have moved away come visit

71) Writing

72) Prayer

73) Chicken verde enchiladas at The Depot

74) What Ryan has taught me about forgiveness and grace


76) Cuddling with Maggie

78) Chocolate milk

79) Allen, Mirjam and little baby AJ

80) Being single

81) Hugs from friends

82) DVR

83) Trips to Florida and Texas

84) The Bible study I'm doing on Gideon

85) Popcorn and 7-up at a movie theater

86) Answering the voice and hearing my niece's little voice say, "Hi Angie!"

87) Tuesday time with my dad

88) Candy Crush Saga

89) My computer

90) Lessons learned from life

91) Sunday afternoon naps

92) Rain showers

93) Plumerias

94) Unconditional love

95) Grey's Anatomy

96) People who are honest

97) Those few seconds after Ryan wakes up when he lets me hold him

98) Camping with my dad

99) Fellowship dinners at church

100) Life


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