This Year I'm Thankful For...
Each year I sit down and do a list of 100 things I'm thankful for. Here goes... 1) My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who loves me more than I'll ever know 2) My health 3) Ryan Joe McClelland - the boy I get to spend most of my days with 4) My dad - love him! 5) My brother Bryan - this being friends as adults thing isn't so bad... 6) My brother Mark 7) My (might as well be) sister-in-law Kris 8) My niece Lilly 9) My best friend Cassey - God has allowed us to restore a friendship this past year and it's been such a blessing 10) My nephew Noah - love how he calls me Auntie Angie 11) My niece Sydni 12) My best friend Amy - distance hasn't stopped us from being friends and I look forward to seeing where God sends her family in the coming months 13) My nephew Peyton 14) My niece Lola 15) My niece Clara 16) My Maggie - the best dog a girl could ask for 17) My cats Lola and Frankie - they keep life interesting! 18) Ryan's mom Kristen ...