One Year Later

Well, it has officially been a year since I started this blog. One year ago I continued to debate whether or not I had anything to offer the world through a blog or anything important to say. I made the decision go just go for it and the rest, as they say, is history. Here are some thoughts to sum up my first year of blogging.

One year later...I still wonder what I have to offer the world through my blog or if I have anything important to say. The past few months, I've been trying to write my life story with the hopes of publishing it one day. One thing I am always asking myself is, "Do I really have a unique story to tell? Haven't others already told a similar story?" You know, 'traumatic childhood, turbulent teen years, finding Christ and Him changing her life.' What spin do I have on it that will make my story something people will want to read?

One year later...I am thankful for this blog because it was through telling my story of abuse that I found out there were others my grandfather preyed upon and while it broke my heart to find that out, it was a relief to know I wasn't the only one. I have since found that there were probably others before me, before my dad's family even moved to Wyoming when he was in high school. Also over this past year, I have continued to take a stand against the denial my grandfather and others live in and have stood up for the truth that they refuse to believe or acknowledge.

One year later...I find that I am still trying to find peace with the situation concerning my mom. I think I will always struggle in this area until I stand before God and finally see what the journey was all about.

One year later...I've seen God's hand at work in my life and have learned His ways are always perfect. A couple of years ago, I began praying for God to place me in situations where I would be vulnerable and take off my 'I'm fine!' mask. A year ago this month, He gave me a wonderful friend how has helped me do just that. As I've shared with her things I've not shared with anyone else, I've found compassion, understanding, and a complete lack of judgement. Certain experiences this past year have opened the door for me to be vulnerable and honest with others in my life as they have come along side me as I've walked the road I'm on.

One year later...I wonder what I will blog about in the next 12 months. Will I write about big changes taking place or will I write about another year of learning how to be content where God has placed me for now? I guess all that remains to be said is stay tuned!


  1. for a possible template of how to tell the story, please consider our true novel Euclid Avenue, Our scars mean something. it depicts my story, my struggle from age 4 to 24. excerpts can be seen in the photo album on facebook( R Keith Rytaran). if interested, the book is available at amazon, barnes & noble, books & co, books-a-million, borders and select hallmark book stores.
    we are using this book and the ones to follow to assist others in the path of healing.


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