Project Night-Light

"Project Night-Light is a faith-based organization that provides children with important items needed when examined at local Children's Advocacy Centers around the United States for sexual abuse, physical abuse, or neglect"

My church recently got involved with this organization by making some fleece blankets to be given to the children that this organization helps. The children also get a brand new pair of pajamas as well as other items that help to give these children a sense of security at a time when their lives are chaotic and confusing. All of the items are brand new because so many abuse victims feel used because of the actions perpetrated upon them and because abuse victims often feel 'labeled' (worthless, not loveable, helpless) there are no labels on any of the items and the children get to keep all of these items through the time of transition in their lives. The goal of the organization is to help each child to believe that they are valuable in the eyes of God.

While we were making these blankets, one woman asked if the organization helped more boys or girls and the gal that was in charge of our project said that they help girls the most and that the most common age of girls they see is 3. This resonated with me immediately because that was the age my own abuse began. So much of this project tugged at my heartstrings.  The struggles of feeling used and labeled are things I struggled with so much as a small child. Not only did I think I was worthless, I believed for a very long time that I was unloveable. Not only was my grandfather doing these horrible things to me, but my mom had left too. I used to wonder what it was about me as a little girl that stopped others from loving me.  It has taken me years to work through these issues and at times I still struggle with them. I am so thankful there is this organization to help ease these issues in the lives of these little children.

After I made my blanket at the church, I took material for two of them with me. The next day I took them to school and let my students participate in the project. We are currently reading a fictional book called, 'The Underneath' and the man in the book ran away from home as a young teenager because his drunken father beat him. I was able to use that character in our book to explain to my students that those things really do happen to children their age and younger. We talked about how scared those children must be and I could tell by the looks on their faces that my students were really taking it in. They loved making the blankets! The boys did one for a little boy and the girls did one for a little girl. Both blankets turned out fantastic and it makes me smile to say the boys' blanket definitely has a bit more of a 'loved' look to it as they are not as skilled at tying knots as the girls!

If you or your church is interested in helping this organization, just let me know and I will get you the information you need!


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