The Y Thing

Last week in my classroom, one of the girls asked why the boys always did certain things that drove them crazy. I answered them by saying, "It's that Y chromosome." The enter class asked what that meant and I explained...

"When a man and a woman make a baby, they both give a certain chromosome to that baby. Women have two X's so they can only give the baby an X. Men have an X and a Y so they can give the baby either one. If the man gives an X, the baby will be a girl because the X from the woman and the X from the man make a girl. If the man gives a Y, the baby will be a boy because the X from the woman and the Y from the man make a boy. The man doesn't get to choose whether he gives an X or Y, his body just chooses for him"

That seemed to satisfy their curiosity and the day went on. Since then, though, there have been a few times when I've heard the boys talking together and one of them says, "It's that Y thing, remember?" :-)


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