Mother's Day

Mother's Day. These two words bring up many different thoughts and emotions for people ranging from joy and happiness to sadness and pain. For me, this May holiday always conjures up the latter range of emotions. It's hard to ignore the day that celebrates moms as the ads on tv start weeks in advance and stores begin to fill up with those one-of-a-kind items 'perfect for moms'. Even Facebook has jumped on the band wagon and has encouraged people to put up photos of their moms in honor of the upcoming holiday.

The simple truth is that I don't have a mom of my own to celebrate on Mother's Day. I know that statement will draw criticism from some people but I believe it to be true. I don't have a relationship with her and she is not a part of my life at all. This is my choice and the reasons why are for another blog, another time. Some would say that since I've made the choice not to have a relationship with her, I shouldn't get sad about Mother's Day - the old 'you made your bed, now you have to sleep in it' mentality. I would agree with that if I was willingly walking away from any kind of healthy, functioning relationship with my mom but that's simply not the case.

 I do try and be optimistic and celebrate the women God has given to me to fill my 'mom void' but it isn't the same and it doesn't ease the sadness that is in my heart. The sadness comes from knowing I'm not celebrating the natural bond God intended for daughters to have with their moms. That bond in my life was broken at 3 years old when my parents divorced and my mom left to pursue her own life. One would think that living with this broken bond would get easier over time and that the pain would lessen but that's not my reality. Sadly, I know it's not the reality for many others as they also still mourn that broken bond on the one day of the year set aside to celebrate it.

Thankfully, I am always reminded that God loves me unconditionally in a way my own mom never could. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Isaiah 49:15 which says, "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!" May those of us without moms to celebrate on Mother's Day celebrate a God who loves us and will never forget us.


  1. Angie,
    If you stop and think... I'm sure you'll realize you have a Mom. Maybe not in the conventional sense but a Mom can be any woman who mentors you and supports you.

    Celebrate THAT woman this weekend. It will mean more to her than words can mention and you may feel your heart mending... just a bit.


  2. Angie that was very well written and touched me deeply. Thank you for articulating your feelings in writing. Celebrating a mom is not the same as celebrating your own mom. I so get it

  3. From what I know of you, Angie, I trust that the reason you don't have a relationship with your mom right now is a good one and the right one for you, though I agree that just because you made that (hard) decision doesn't mean you can't and won't long for that kind of relationship. I'm sorry Mother's Day is so hard for you. It truly breaks my heart for you.
    What a beautiful and perfect and fitting verse you've found, though. Praying for you tonight!


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