My 100 List

As I sit here in my pajama pants and enjoy the lazy Thanksgiving with my dad, I am reminded just how very blessed I am. God has been so good and so faithful, even more than I will ever deserve. I thought I would take a few minutes to sit down and write out just a fraction of the things I am thankful for!

1. My Savior who gave His live for me so that I could spend forever with Him. I am thankful for His love and faithfulness.
2. My dad, he's my hero!
3. My nephew and nieces - Lilly, Peyton, and Lola
4. My job at Trinity. LOVE it there!
5. My 8 students...they make me look forward to work every day
6. Raspberry chai
7. Fleece sheets
8. My wonderful Maggie who brings me so much joy and companionship
9. My little red car, Victoria
10. Cheese
11. My best friend Amy. She's my complete opposite but God knew I needed her!
12. The chance to go back to school for my Master's degree
13. My calico Calli - she's so petite and always happy to see me
14. My gray torti Lola - she cracks me up and is always good for a cuddle
15. Break
16. Hoodies
17. Bare feet
18. Camping in the mountains
19. My parakeet Happy
20. Those parents of my students who encourage me and support me
21. Green chili chicken soup at Perretts
22. Reconnecting with old friends and family on Facebook
23. The smell of rain
24. My dad's dog Volt who is always so excited to see me!
25. My laptop
26. My grandma Judy, I just love her!
27. Chocolate chip bagels toasted with peanut butter
28. Hugs from my students
29. Heat in the winter and A/C in the summer
30. My brother's girlfriend Kris...I wish we lived closer to each other
31. Heated seats in my car
32. Almonds
33. A roof over my head
34. Nice hot baths with a good book
35. Ryan - my honest, tell-it-like-it-is friend who is so full of love
36. Cable tv
37. Chips and salsa with margaritas at The Depot
38. Sue - a greater friend I'll never find
39. The way the sky lights up with a soft glow when it snows at night
40. Gloves and scarves
41. The nights I wake up to find all my critters snuggled up with me
42. Snoopy's laugh
43. New friendships I've made this year
44. Whole wheat flour
45. Listening to my students pray
46. Reading a good book sprawled out on the grass during the summer
47. Living in America
48. Cassey - I love that our friendship is still what it is after all the journeys life has taken us on
49. The laughter of babies
50. My future that lies ahead of me with God's plans waiting to be revealed
51. Paved roads
52. Turkey sandwiches
53. Hot showers in the morning
54. My past experiences that have shaped me and made me who I am today
55. The Lion King
56. Cold water on a hot afternoon
57. A paycheck twice a month that is more than I need
58. Road trips with friends
59. When a student walks up and grabs my hand on the walk to lunch
60. Black olives
61. Being single - FOR REAL!
62. My co-workers at Trinity - they make that school a great place to work
63. Blended toffee nut lattes
64. Painting
65. Quiet reading with my students - it gives me a chance to catch up on my latest book!
66. Blue skies
67. Marilyn - my park buddy
68. The kids I am blessed to babysit
69. The laughing hyenas on The Lion King
70. Sunsets
71. Sleeping in
72. A good black pen
73. The compassionate and giving hearts of my students
74. Laughing at myself
75. Having a friend I can spill my heart, and my tears, with and know I will be listened to and prayed for
76. Hotels
77. Lazy summer vacations
78. Amy's coconut curry chicken
79. The way my hair feels after a haircut
80. True belly laughs from my students
81. Peppermint mochas
82. The smell of a woodstove burning
83. HP computers, NOT Dells
84. Cereal in the morning
85. A hug from my friend Pam
86. Getting to watch my friends' children grow up on FB
87. Milk
88. Listening to Maggie's breathing when she's asleep
89. Making my grandma Judy laugh
90. Peanut butter
91. Medication
92. Health insurance
92. Dinners out with a good friend
93. Sitting by the scary people at the park with Sue while we talk about life's problems
94. Chocolate milk
95. The smell of a fresh Christmas tree
96. Lilly, Peyton, and Lola's laughs
97. My health
98. Toilet paper
99. The last snow storm of the season
100. My life


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