100 Things I Am Thankful For

This year I find myself thankful for many, many things...here are some:

1. My Jesus - His love and forgiveness keep me going every day
2. My dad - more thankful for him each passing year
3. Maggie - gosh, I just love her SO much
4. Calli - even with her mental issues, she's still my cutie patootie
5. Lola - I'll never forget a morning last spring when I had put sticks and leaves in my hair as part of camping themed day at school and she lay behind my head on the couch and groomed my hair, pulling out all my decorations
6. My best friend Amy - surprising her in Dallas this summer was so much fun!
7. My new job with Ryan - what a sweet and funny little boy
8. My grandma Judy - her strength and determination make me want to be a better person
9. Lilly - my little Jelly Bean who loves to get her nails done on a Girls Day and refers to this holiday as Indian Day
10. Peyton - I just know he's going to grow up to play professional soccer. Gooooaaaaal!
11. Lola - such a little diva with huge personality
12. J and S - amazingly gracious friends who are willing to give me a second chance
13. Gertrude - love my new wheels
14. Kris - she'll always be my sister-of-the-heart
15. The Nguyen family - for the laughs and letting me invite myself over for dinner
16. Sue - still trying to adjust to this new path our friendship has taken but love her tons regardless
17. White chocolate peppermint mochas
18. My Sunday School class - I turned down subbing in a children's class because I don't want to miss even one Sunday!
19. Facebook friends who encourage me, support me, and listen to my daily thoughts
20. A house to live in
21. Fleece sheets
22. Medication
23. Ryan - it just seems like God knew we should be friends!
24. Chocolate chip bagels with peanut butter
25. My church family at First Baptist - I love doing Children's Church every Sunday
26. Getting to take Maggie with me to work each day
27. House/pet-sitting jobs
28. My Tuesday night kids at Hillcrest
29. DVR
30. My years at Trinity
31. Windshield wipers
32. The Metzler family
33. Knowing that 17 hour road trips to AZ end with hugging and holding my Jelly Bean
34. Cassey and all her sweet encouragement
35. Coconut curry chicken
36. Indoor plumbing
37. The sense of taste
38. The first snow storm of the season
39. The last snow storm of the season
40. Cruise control
41. The Baxter family
42. Listening to Ryan babble on as he lays in his crib
43. Knee high socks
44. The Talbott Family
45. Caramel Rolls
46. My dad's dog Volt - he was once quoted as being 'an intense individual'
47. Heat in the winter
48. Central air in the summer
49. Camping with my dad
50. The smell of clean laundry
51. Snuggling with Maggie on the couch
52. Marcy - ferrets rock!
53. Past failures
54. My California cousins
55. Perrett's ranch dressing
56. Honey Teddy Grahams dipped in peanut butter
57. Candy corn dipped in peanut butter
58. Peanut butter
59. Hot showers
60. Laughter
61. Alarm clocks
62. Tears
63. Raspberry chai
64. Laptops
65. Knowing all my bills are paid for another month
66. Spitz Smoked BBQ sunflower seeds
67. Frosted Flakes
68. Rain
69. Sunsets
70. Sleeping in
71. Margaritas from The Depot
72. The Hutt family
73. A full tank of gas
74. Music
75. My Nook
76. Teaching Ryan new things
77. Shyllis
78. Chapstick
79. The Hummels
80. Playing SkipBo with my dad
81. Going out for drinks with Amy
82. Migraine medicine
83. Soap
84. Cereal
85. My freedom
86. Airplanes
87. Being single
88. Toffee Nut lattes
89. Unexpected sources of income
90. Shelter
91. Wildlife
92. Clean dishes
93. Breakfasts at the Cowboy with my dad
94. Our troops
95. Mercy
96. Going for walks with Maggie
97. My health
98. Indian Day
99. Almond Snickers
100. Phone calls with Lilly


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