I won't lie. Part of me didn't want to sit down and make this annual list of 100 things I'm thankful for. It's been a hard year in the world of Angie - I've faced some hard (and heartbreaking) truths about friendships, my depression has been pretty bad at times, and I've even struggled in my faith quite a bit. But, as I told a friend just last week, I always feel better after making this list, so here it goes... 1) My Jesus - no matter how many times I fail or how many times I mess up, He picks me up and loves me unconditionally. The hope I have in Him is all that keeps me going most days 2) My dad - he's always there when I need anything at all and the way my littles clamor all over him when they're around makes my heart smile so big 3) Dusty Grace - the Nana dog to my littles and the one who convinces all who come to visit that no one ever pets her and she can't remember the last time she ate 4) Katy Joy - Her hyperness drives me crazy at times but...
April is probably one of my favorite months of the year. Not only is it my birthday month (and that of some of the coolest people ever!) but after a long, cold, and gray winter, green grass starts to grow and the earth just smells new, fresh, and ready to come alive. Kids at school finally get the chance to play outside without their coats and the warm sun both brings out an orneriness and an exuberance for life that is unmatched during the winter months. Evenings are perfect for sitting in the sun with a good book and a whispering breeze to help sort through the events of the day as the sun heads off to bed and the moon prepares for the night shift. There's just something about the month of April! April is also Sexual Assault Awareness Month and my social media comes alive with reminders that rapists are the sole cause of rape, that chains are broken every time a survivor tells their story, and that there is so much hope and healing available for those who have been wounded by sex...
"Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me." Psalm 62:5-7 I realized today that I'm in a slump...a 'haven't been to church in a month' slump. I feel like I should be attending Church Missers Anonymous meetings. "Hi, my name is Angie and I haven't been to church in over a month." "Hi, Angie" (Applause) Can you picture the scene with me? Pretty pathetic. The sad part of it all is I can't even really identify what is keeping me from going to church. There was the Sunday I had school activities going on, but I could have gone in between my students' performance. Then there were a couple Sundays when the friend of mine who attends the church I'm trying was out of town and I used the old "I don't want to go alone" excuse, wh...
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