A Year Later, A Little Boy Turns 2
How fast time flies. The older I get, the more true that statement becomes. Events that are months away and feel like they'll take forever to get here are gone in a few blinks of an eye. Infants I babysat for years ago are now graduating high school. My own nieces and nephew are growing way too fast - just turned 6, about to turn 3, and about to turn 6. Where does the time go? Seriously.
A year ago, I was heartbroken as I said good-bye to my 2nd grade students and the staff I had worked with for the past 7 years of my life. My heart was heavy with sadness and yet I had this faith that all would work out and God was going to handle everything in His own way.
I wish I could say I was absolutely confident in God's plans for my life but after the months of summer (and my last paycheck from the school) came and went, I found myself wondering what in the world God was doing. I went through the process of becoming a substitute for the district and didn't get any calls. I got a job working with 1 year olds at a daycare and didn't even last a month before I walked away during a lunch break and never went back. To say my faith was wavering was an understatement, I was flat out frustrated with God and wondered what in the world He was doing.
Then, in an every day conversation with a friend, I learned of what could be my dream job. An interview, a couple of phone calls on my behalf, and a lot of prayer later, I met Ryan Joe McClelland, a 18 month old little boy who captured my heart that first day and hasn't let go since.
I could write a novel on how much I love that little boy but I will spare those of you who are reading this. I watch him on a 2 week on, 2 week off schedule and during my 2 weeks on, I spend 11 to 12 days with that boy. I've watched him become a little boy who forgoes crawling and goes exclusively to walking and soon after, running at full speed. I've listened as he's learned more and more words, even FINALLY saying my name (Eegee). I get to take my dog Maggie to work each day and he's gone from calling her some undecipherable name to Maa, complete with a huge grin on his face. I've expanded his food palate, and have learned he absolutely loves blackberries and lasagna but can do without peas. He's the happiest, most well-adjusted little boy I have ever met and he smiles and laughs often. He's got a twinkle in his eye, has a quirky personality that matches perfectly with mine, and has me wrapped around his pudgy little finger. His parents are wonderful people and I'm convinced that if his mom and I had met at church or somewhere, we would have become fast friends as we have so much in common and have common interests.
I've always said I don't want to have children of my own, and I still stand by that statement. I believe God has allowed me to share in some of the joys of being a parent and watching a child grow through my days with Ryan. I find myself smiling as I am driving down the road because he is babbling in the backseat or clapping his hands after a Veggie Tales song. I've sang "Where is Thumbkin" and done tickling games with him every day and the sound of his laughter never gets old. He's brought unspeakable joy into my life and with each day I spend with him, my love for him grows.
Today, this amazing little boy turned 2 and I was there to celebrate with him. Happy Birthday Ryan Joe, I look forward to many more years of watching you grow and learn!

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