100 Things

Every year I sit down and write out a list of 100 things I am thankful for. Here goes 2013's list...

1) My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Without Him, I wouldn't be here today.
2) My dad. One of my best friends and biggest supporters.
3) My nieces and nephews - Lilly, Peyton, Lola, Clara, Noah, and Sydni. Being an aunt is the best job EVER!
4) Ryan Joe McClelland. I never knew I could love a little boy so very much.
5) My grandma Judy. A stronger lady I will never know. She inspires me.
6) My brothers Bryan and Mark
7) My (might as well be) sister-in-law Kris
8) Ryan's mom Kristen. She has become a great friend of mine during this last year. I want to have faith like hers.
9) My Maggie dog. She is my constant companion and faithful shadow.
10) My cats Lola and Bo. Lola is ever the curious one and Bo is just a crotchety old man who just wants to cuddle...right in my face.
11) A warm house to live in
12) A reliable car that is completely paid for
13) My best friend Amy. She is an amazing mom and wonderful wife.
14) My other best friend Cassey. Seeing her this summer after so long was such a blessing. I absolutely adore her kids and look forward to making visits to her a yearly event
15) Ryan's dad Trevor. Such a kind hearted man who I'm convinced is a little kid trapped in a grown man's body.
16) White chocolate peppermint lattes
17) Medication
18) My church family. Such wonderful, loving people. I love Sundays!
19) All the families from Trinity who still let me be a part of their children's lives - the Nguyens/Coopers, the Talbotts, the Hutts
20) Being able to pay my bills each month
21) My Compassion child Reetha. I am honored to share a birthday with her and support her each month. I believe she will grow up to do great things!
22) Ryan's laugh. His giggle not only gives him the hiccups but also gives me joy beyond compare.
23) Poppycock. I just discovered it a couple weeks ago and am wondering how I lived 32 years without it!
24) My kids at church. I love teaching Children's Church every Sunday! They are so full of love, faith, and always have the best jokes. Oh, and I also have lots of 'inside information' on their parents because, well, they tell me all kinds of things!!
25) A Charlie Brown Christmas
26) White chocolate macadamia nut lattes
27) Food to fill my belly each day
28) Ryan's nap time because when he naps, I nap!!
29) My friend Sue. I can't express how much I love and how much her friendship means to me.
30) Music
31) Flannel sheets
32) DVR
33) Amy Hutson...she may never read this blog but I am so in awe of her faith, her mothering skills, and quite frankly, her awesome curly red hair!
34) The first snow fall of the season...and the last.
35) Todd Agnew's Christmas album - Do You See What I See. It has songs from the points of view of many involved in the Christmas story including the innkeeper, Elizabeth, the wise men, etc.
36) Hawaiian pizza topped with gorgonzola cheese
37) Getting to take Maggie to work with me every day
38) Rain
39) Pumpkin pie
40) My cousin Sawyer. She is so amazing and I know she will grow up to do amazing things!
41) My cousin Dylan. He is proudly serving our country in unknown lands and is, well, just awesome!
42) Margaritas with chips and salsa at The Depot
43) Mornings when I get to sleep in
44) Sitting on a blanket at the park in the summer with a French Dr. Pepper, a sunflower bagel with veggie ranch cream cheese, and a good book
45) Freedom
46) The Big Bang Theory
47) Rain
48) Girls' days with Lilly when we get our nails done and have lunch
49) Camping
50) Forgiveness
51) My jeep Lucy
52) Chocolate milk
53) The Ocean
54) The smell of a campfire
55) Turkey
56) Hot baths with a good book
57) Taking walks with Maggie even though they are getting shorter and shorter because of her leg :-(
58) Hot tea with milk and honey
59) When Kristen calls to tell my Ryan's latest cute story or antic
60) Restored friendships
61) Trinity Lutheran School
62) Pork chops
63) Indoor plumbing
64) Waking up in the morning to find Maggie curled up beside me and Lola laying on top of me and Bo meowing in the background
65) My laptop
66) REAL books
67) Moonlit Path products from Bath & Body
68) Chapstick
69) Used book store shopping with Kris
70) The pictures of family and friends that cover my fridge
71) Sleeping with the window open
72) Phyllis...sure miss seeing that girl every day!
73) Peanut butter rice krispie treats
74) Holding babies
75) Yummy smelling candles
75) Listening to Ryan sing in the backseat as we are driving down the road
76) Cuddling with Maggie on the couch
77) Spending Sunday mornings with my church family, especially Sunday School
78) Frosted Flakes
79) Checking my mail and finding something more personal than a bill
80) Super Mario Bros
81) My summers doing mission work in college
82) Lunch dates with the Metzler girls
83) My grandma Judy's molasses cookies
84) Pulling onto my brother's street after 17 hours of driving in the car from Wyoming to Arizona
85) The greatest doctor in the world - Dr. Magruder
86) Laughing until my stomach hurts
87) Being single and living alone
88) Mike's Smashed Hard Cider
89) Honey bran muffins
90) The Lion King
91) Perrett's ranch dressing
92) White cake with chocolate icing and sprinkles
93) Heating and air conditioning in my car
94) My own washer and dryer
95) Warm socks
96) Listening to my ipod on long drives
97) Fishing
98) Duck Dynasty - one of the only shows I've watched that makes me laugh so hard I snort
99) Kleenex
100) Medications to help ease Maggie's arthritis pain


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