100 Things for 2016

I wasn't going to write this blog this year because I had something different in mind, but a friend told me this evening that she went looking for the blog this morning so here goes...

1) My Savior. It's been a crazy 6 months in my world, with many changes, but He has proven Himself so very faithful. He continues to prepare His way before me and I pray I can be just as faithful to Him and His calling on my life.
2) My dad. He's my rock and supports me in every career move, silly antic, and random conundrum I find myself in.
3) My Ryan Joe. Gosh, I love him so very much and it's been so fun to watch him grow.
4) My church family
5) Old friends
6) New friends
7) Living in a country where the people are allowed to choose their leaders
8) Thanksgiving dinner - will always be my favorite meal all year long
9) My friend Robbi. Even though our friendship seemed brief because she's now moving to Florida, I found a true sister in faith.
10) Ryan's mom Kristen. I am so very thankful she allows me to be involved in Ryan's life
11) Cassey Lynn...our conversations may be sporadic but I love her kids and husband like family
12) My brief job with Bridges. I found a real love in working with adults that have developmental disabilities and I will miss seeing those friends every day.
13) Rhonda, Chrystal, and Dana...your hears are big and you work is important.
14) My brother and his soon to be wife Kris
15) My niece Lilly
16) Noah and Sydney...thanks for letting me be the best Auntie Angie ever
17) My trusty Jeep Lucy
18) E'owyn, the sweet baby girl I will soon be spending my days with
19) Amy and Kristin - my Ashgrove girls. Thanks for still wanting to hang out with me!
20) My kids in Children's Church...they are the greatest blessing and most frightening responsibility of my life
21) My sweet Ella Irene...I love my sweet pup so much
22) My friend Beckie, and Ella's middle name sake. I love laughing and talking about life with you
23) Bruce Jenner...my cat, not the man. He's full of spunk and has more attitude than any cat I've ever met but he sure keeps me on my toes
24) Lola...my laid back, go-with-the-flow cat. I wish I had her carefree attitude about life!
25) My grandma Judy...thanks for always being there to chat and help me figure this crazy thing called life out
26) Scentsy
27) All my petsitting clients
28) Mia - my Sunday morning baby
29) My dad's dog Volt...he's always up for an adventure
30) The various mom and grandma figures God has placed in my life to love me - Sue, Phyllis, Carol, Mary
31) Pumpkin spiced chai from Mudd Espresso
32) Margaritas
33) Having a 'Girls Day' with Lilly
33) My favorite AZ restaurants - Mi Amigos, Casanova Bros, Longhorn Steakhouse, Red Robin
34) Starbucks
35) Books
36) Spitz BBQ sunflower seeds
37) Turkey sandwiches
38) Naps
39) Freedom
40) Those that fought, and still fight, for such freedoms
41) Dates with Ryan
42) Red chile burros
43) My little house
44) Enough money to pay my bills each month
45) Amazon Prime
46) The Olympics
47) Big Hunks
48) Iced tea from Pit Stop
49) The men and women of police forces all over our country that put their lives on the line every day
50) Facebook for allowing me to stay in touch with friends from as far back as high school
51) The ocean...I WILL live by it one day
52) My past that helped to shape and mold me into who I am today
53) Sheryl...so glad to be in touch again
54) My Compassion child Reetha
55) The Jacobs family who has taught me SO much about faith, perseverance when following God, and sweet Mercy
56) Cheese sauce from the Depot
57) Honeycrisp apples
58) My little Sunday School class...I miss sharing our hearts together on Sunday mornings
59) Snuggling on the couch with Ella at the end of a long day
60) Toilet paper (every year Cassey!!)
61) Going to musicals with my dad
62) Roasted Brussel sprouts
63) White pizza
64) Al and Cheryl...you'll always be my spiritual parents that I look to for guidance and support when it comes to matters of faith
65) This Is Us and Speechless
66) Fun mail that isn't bills
67) Crushed ice
68) Ron and Kathy...such a faithful example of what marriage should be
69) Those godly husbands in my life who have truly lived out what it means to love their wives as Christ loves the church, and the desire to settle for nothing less if I marry one day
70) Blackberries
71) Half Priced Books
72) Poppycock
73) Fall
74) Wearing flip-flops for the first time after winter
75) My friend Melissa...I'll never think about flip-flops again without thinking of you and socks!
76) Indoor plumbing
77) Electricity
78) Snow plows
79) Laying down to sleep each night knowing that no matter what is going on in my world, God is on the throne
80) Foot pillows
81) The Lion King
82) Cruise Control
83) My health
84) Spicy Hoola Pizza
85) Being vulnerable
86) Getting to do the children's sermon twice a month...those kids crack me up!
87) Those who have gone before me to be with Jesus and the HOPE that assures me I will see them again
88) Grandma Judy's molasses cookies
89) Wendy's
90) Airplanes
91) Good driving music
92) Rain
93) The nights I don't have to set my alarm before I go to bed
94) The certainty the Ella and Bruce Jenner will wake me up to be fed promptly at 6 AM
95) Falling Back in the Fall...that extra hour of sleep is my favorite thing EVER
96) Sleepovers with Ryan
97) Cheese Tortellini
98) Accents
99) Pain medicine
100) Winter mornings with no frost on my windshield


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