Waiting on His Faithfulness

I had lunch with a friend recently, a gal I can truly appreciate. We are close in age, both single, and both unsure of what God has in store for us, even now in our late 30s. While talking about jobs and family, she gazed off in the distance and spoke these 9 simple words, "I just thought I'd be so much farther by now."

Her voice was filled with sadness and so much discouragement, I just wanted to weep with her. I've thought that same thing so many times in recent months and it's a hard place to be. My life hasn't turned out the way I thought it would. The hopes and dreams I had in college (since becoming a Christian) have never come to pass and while I've enjoyed the journey God has taken me on over the years, I can't help but wonder if I missed a turn somewhere.

There are many days Satan tries to convince me that my lot in life is pretty worthless and that anyone could easily take my place if I weren't here. Sure, I teach children's church every Sunday but anyone who loves to work with kids and wants to see them grow in Christ can do that. I watch little ones in my house during the week but, again, anyone who loves children could do that job. Sometimes, I get jealous of friends that are wives and moms because they are fulfilling very specific roles suited for them. God chose them for their spouse and as the mom of their children. Most days, I don't believe my roles are uniquely mine...anyone could fill them.

This blog is short and without answers because I just don't have them - for me or my friend. I wish I had answers for her as to why her hopes and dreams haven't panned out, but my words often come up completely empty. I don't know why God has put her where He has or why He's put me where I am, I just pray she can hang in there with me while we wait for His answers because one thing I do know more than anything else is that He is faithful. Until then, love you friend...hang in there.


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